Who are its people, and What this have to
do with me and my bills
What is Amexem
Who are these Aboriginal Indigenous People in Amexem
'Black Americans' are the Aboriginal Indigenous, historically called The Autochthon, the Oldest melaninated people in Amexem, before the "Red Indians" and centuries before Europeans.

Europeans later renamed us based on another term we use for our Ajaw councils 'Nanti-Kuk' meaning 'Grand Council of Fire'. After the Autochthons fought the British in the first Anglo-Powahtuun war, Baron DeLaWar and his soldiers named some of us after him. And the word DeLaWar was used for our ancestors who were captive and thus the use of Delaware.
The Delaware, Powahtuun, and other Atlantic Tribes were all known as 'black tribes' of Aboriginals in Amexem before the 1800s. The people we call Native American are a mix of Original blood and Asian blood, thus you have the "Red Man".
Ok I'm Indigenous Autochthon from Amexem, and my people came from the so call Olmecs and other Indigenous people world wide, great. How is this going to pay my bills?
Know this; all of this is about knowing your history and knowing where you come from is about your "genetics" and "legacy" and the
importance to preserve it for your babies. If your job let you go today what will you do!? You have nothing saved, you know nothing but working for someone, what will you do?! Any one that has good parents or relatives still around we will go to their home. For the ones with broken homes the State will take care of them. Pay your bills for now, but know one day you or your children will one day get off the grid for what ever reason and learn how to live sustainability. We must learn not only to take care of ourselves independently, but also form functional effective groups to implement our autonomy like our ancestors did.
Now why you want to do that, that’s too much work? Then same
work you giving them freely with your credit and lobar you can be giving it to
yourself, meaning building your own home with no mortgage, with running water, sewage, solar energy, real
fresh foods and transportation. All you need is a little education and some skills.
Other races of people that know about our education (because they
gave it to us) and our genetics for their gain. i.e. working for them to pay bills, commercial cosmetic, technology from our blood and tissues, and free energy in labor, all to
keep your mind and beliefs at a low frequency to benefit other interest of people and not your own.
The Autochthons
make up 90% of the global population, and Autochthon women make up the majority
population in Amexem. Indigenous people started civilization and built 6
industrialized countries with free labor, and we still do
it today for big and small corporations voluntarily. We
must change the way we think and know about our history, money, living, and
spiritual development.
Want to make a corrupt
system obsolete? All oppressed people must stop renting or
buying real estate from (Europeans) people and banks. Only buy or rent housing
from people of color and black owned banks because they have the same interest
and values as you. The reason why we are broke in a rich society is that we don’t practice
“trade”, “donations” (to other people beside church), “gifting”, and “group economics” with our own people; Only.
Furthermoore, for the women and children we need a sound
history of where we came from, and not the story of another race of people or
system. “Art” and “Books” serves as a visual and mental reminder of our legacy
and birthright on this planet.
Education is a big factor in Amexem, and culturally the Original
Men and woman are rising slowly but surely because they overstand there “Identity”.
Autochthons are intelligent base on the relationship they have with other people that is introducing
them new information. This come in the form of Stories, Books, and Art.
As children when a mother or father take time to read to
their offspring, show them a picture of something, this feeling stimulate a connection, and bonds,
and hormones are form and internalize in that moment for the child. Thus he or she is eager to want to know and
learn more about things, this is how the mind develops, and
this what make a race of people rise above their condition. Behaviors such as this must be practice in all Indigenous
homes in Amexem if we want a better future for our seeds.
Once an individual knows his or her own true genetic history and culture, no one can take that away. And they can change the minds of people, balance the laws, and inspire the hearts of many.
Artist Ra - 15,100 (2015) Amexem
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