Light Bodies Etching Study by Artist Ra
Sex in the pass was wasteful to me. In my gut, I know their was something more to it then just fucking for the pleaser of the moment, nothing wrong with that, but the rise and fall of the energy got me studying on ancient knowledge of sex and its function.
It was until I was in a book store looking for something for a woman i was with, and a lady walk up and say “can I help you.” I told her was looking for something for a woman I was seeing. She told me, “you need to look up something for yourself”. I thought about it and I said to her, “you right-what you got”. The book she showed me was called “The Multi Orgasmic Man” and in that book it explain word by word of the“Ancient Sexual Tao Teachings.”
I discovered not only the function of sex and what it can do for the body and organs, but certain spiritual abilities became visible when you do it often. It was the first time that I ever experience the ability of what people today call “lucid dreaming.” I learn a lot of myself in this state, and four words from that state that change my life. Some of the many sexual healings teaching known as Quodoushka (todays term of ancient Mesoamerican sexual practice), Tantric Sex, and Karma Sutra are some of the many ways to helps higher souls evolve faster in this life time.
You ask yourself, “why do I want to evolve spiritually by doing this?” There are many different dimension of reality that most people don’t understand that effect our physical world daily. And in these dimensions lights, and beings that help you evolve by revealing things to you that you can take back and use. I learn that when I was “lucid dreaming” I (my consciousness) was in a 4th dimension reality. In this 4th dimension everything felt real, I could control thing not like an ordinary dream. I was flying around, and manifesting things at will with my mind.
But deep down I was struggling spiritually with something. It was when I thought up the answer that revealed itself so simple and clear, it was; “Lack of” or “I AM”. I can choose to be in the limitless state of things (money, car, ego, fucking) or you can choose to be the “I AM” be in spirit first, and have all things come to you effortlessly. This was powerful to me, and has been the foundation of all my doings since that day in May 2007. I would never received that revelation if it was not for that ancient sexual Tao discipline.
Sex in the west sole purpose is to drive product regardless of the people mental or spiritual condition. Our culture, and our language must change in order for growth. Something higher must be introduces, not only to the seekers, but to the teenagers, and young adults. They need real information on what to do with these "feelings" they have, and how to guide their minds to higher realms to get answers when whey get older. Culture and Language is key, and image is everything to a people.
To chance one self, one must change the way one think, and change the way one do things.
Think before you take from the tree of life. Light knowledge of good and evil, seven chakras.

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